During times of segregation, integration, and civil unrest, South Central Los Angeles provided fertile soil for David's imaginative young mind.

While his mother worked two jobs to take care of her three boys, he mostly raised himself.

Regularly found at the end of a police officers weapon, in the backseat with some cutie at the park, or drunk, drugged, and delirious, he endured and thrived in this senseless environment.

God brought him through these experiences to tell stories kindled in this urban milieu. Here lies inspiration to stop some from following that path altogether, others to escape, and allow outsiders to sense the futility that is inherent in many individual's lives.


My writing is spritually soul-searching, gritty, and psychological.


Look behind the mask.

Dreams come true, fantasy becomes reality, and  doors open to an alternate spiritual dimension that bares hypocrisy and reveals truth.

Personal constructs are exposed as facades of our own making.



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© David Thompson, all scripts registered with WGAW